Leadership Team

Robin Robins


Will Nobles

VP Client Coaching, TMT
CEO Of Vector Choice Technology Solutions

Robb Patterson

GM, Producers Club

Senior Client Coaches

Mike Bazar

Senior Client Coach,
CTO Of Vector Choice Technology Solutions

Fred Sagester

Senior Client Coach ,
Founder Of Sagester Associates Group

Jeff Farr

Senior Client Coach,
CEO Of Sera Brynn

Client Coaches

Adam Spencer

CEO, 911IT

Brandis Kelly

President, DigeTekS

Bryan LaChapelle

CEO, B4 Networks

John Motazedi

Partner, Network Doctor

Kevin Gray

Managing Partner, EnvisionIT Solutions

Scott Beck

CEO, BeckTek

Tom Glover

President, Responsive Technology Partners

About Our Coaches

CEO OF Technology Marketing Toolkit
Robin Robins

There is no doubt about it: Robin Robins has helped more MSPs and IT services businesses to double – even triple – sales, profits and MRR growth than any other marketing consultant in the IT services industry, period. As a trusted advisor to over 10,000 IT services business owners for over 19 years, Robin knows a thing or two about what it takes to grow sales, recurring revenue streams and a profitable client base for an IT services business.

In addition to her hands-on experience in working with IT business owners, Robin runs a phenomenally successful and profitable multimillion-dollar services business herself. Unlike many “ivory tower” consultants who run a business in their dreams, she can speak from actual experience in marketing, packaging and delivering intangible services, dominating a niche, building a “dream team” of colleagues (she doesn’t call them employees) and building a raving-fan, loyal client base. From marketing to time management, Robin will give you her most powerful secrets to secure FAST and SUBSTANTIAL gains in any IT services business.

VP Client Coaching and CEO of Vector Choice Technology Solutions
Will Nobles

Defying generations of his lineage of agricultural capitalists in Eastern North Carolina, Will Nobles traded his bulldozer for a corner office when he decided to pursue his own million-dollar legacy in the IT industry. Will has built his claim over the last 20 years, attaining multiple degrees and certifications that have earned his company, Vector Choice, accolades such as The Best And Brightest Companies To Work For (Atlanta) and MSP 501.

Since he met Robin and joined the Producers Club, the results speak volumes in the change of how Vector Choice does business. Since joining Robin and Producers Club just six years ago, Vector Choice has grown from $800K to $3M, now adding on an average $6K MRR per month. Will has evolved from working in the business to working on the business. As a result, he is an author and speaker who enlightens audiences on the industry’s recommended precautions regarding cybercrime, and as a highly regarded Cyber Security Expert.

GM of producers club
Robb Patterson
Robb Patterson is an established IT Sales and Marketing Professional with a 20-year history of success. In his prior role as Director of Sales and Marketing for a NY-based MSP, Robb was responsible for growing company revenue from $1.8mil to over $5mil. He has had many leadership, teaching and presenting opportunities over the last two decades and is excited to bring this experience to the TMT community. When Robb isn’t working, you will most likely find him with a guitar in his hands.
CTO Of Vector Choice Technology Solutions
Mike Bazar

After averaging 107% growth for the first 5 years in business, Bazar Solutions hit a wall.  What started out as a ‘pause’ to try to slow down and “circle the wagons” turned into two years of flat growth. This is part of the reason Mike is a firm believer in embracing the chaos that life throws at you. Slowing down does nothing but kill your momentum and forces you to start over. That “little” pause cost their company over a million dollars in top-line revenue.  BUT Mike joined Producers Club in 2017 to get out of the rut and get back into growth mode. He needed accountability and coaching and found it with TMT. Mike was the Better Your Best winner in 2021, growing the business by over 60% during a global pandemic and all via sales and marketing efforts. Since starting with TMT, Bazar Solutions has had over 200% growth in revenue and an astounding 1,253% growth in profits!

Mike lives in Lubbock, Texas with his wife and 4 kids (ages 14, 12, 8, and 6). He loves to travel and has taken his family all over the world.  He’s of the firm belief that you need to grab life by the horns, wrestle it to the ground and make the most of it. In 2021 he won the Better your Best contest and it sparked a real desire to spread knowledge to other MSPs, helping them to get ‘unstuck’ with the simple ‘One in a row’ method.  His mantra for our members: “Sit Down, Buckle Up, Clear your head trash, and Let’s Grow!”

CEO, 911IT
Adam Spencer
Adam started his computer break/fix repair shop as a way to pay for college. Soon, he discovered he could make more money fixing computers than he could with his degree, so he went full-time into his company. His company reached $500,000 in revenue, at which point it stayed for years and years. Adam was broke, dripping in desperation, and was running his company out of his basement. In 2018 he took a leap of faith and put the cost of the Rapid Implementation Workshop on his credit card, and began the program in 2019. Adam jumped in with both feet and completely changed his company. He was able to convert all of his clients to managed services, and in the first 90 days of Rapid he added $14,728 of new MRR. He won Rapid Implementer of the Year for 2019. Adam continued learning and implementing all he could from TMT and in 2022 he added $70,893 of new MRR, his profits were up 76%, and his average close rate was 67%. Adam won “Better Your Best” in 2023 and became TMT’s Spokesperson.
Adam lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with his wife and 4 kids. He loves to gohunting, fishing, and take his family to Disney! Adam loves to help other MSP owners solve problems they are facing. Adam’s motto is “Every time we solve a problem, we grow!” Adam is big on growing marketing lists and marketing by numbers. It’s all a numbers game!
Fred Sagester Image
Founder, Sagester Associates Group
Fred Sagester

Fred Sagester founded Sagester Associates Group and it supports dental offices in five states and maintains bases of operation in Columbus and Indianapolis, IN, and Louisville and Lexington, KY. Fred’s significant experience in dental technology and computer integration has led him to be noted as one of the foremost system designers and troubleshooters in the field.  He has exceptional knowledge in virtually all of the leading practice management software packages and digital radiography systems.  A number of manufacturers, suppliers and even some competitors consult Fred on some of their most challenging technology issues.

After years of stagnant growth, Fred joined Technology Marketing Toolkit and due to following TMT’s processes, Sagester Associates Group tripled.  Fred sold the business in September 2022 and he joined TMT to be able to give back to the IT community and help other businesses achieve the same goals that he realized.

Senior Client Coach, CEO, Sera Brynn
Jeff Farr

When it comes to operational and financial success for an MSP, there are very few people who can surpass the expertise of Jeff Farr. Jeff leverages three decades of leadership, technology, cyber security and compliance experience to drive profitable growth in an MSP. He has led a compliance consultancy and two MSPs from low to no profits and growth to exceptional profitability, operational excellence, strong staff retention and industry-leading customer-satisfaction ratings. One of the entities attracted a national MSP platform and was acquired for an excellent multiple.

He’s also assisted an up-and-coming MSP to secure private equity backing to roll out a national brand. Over the last 30 years, Jeff has been part of several leading tech companies worldwide (EDS, Ernst & Young, SAP, Capgemini, HP and Tyler Technologies) and has contributed his leadership, consulting and technical expertise in multiple industries: health care, oil and gas, financial services, hospitality, professional services, real estate and telecommunications.

President, B4 Networks
Bryan LaChapelle

After losing their largest MRR client (over $18K/month) B4 Networks was on the verge of collapse. They had five employees, with a large amount of revenue that disappear overnight. They already owned the Toolkit, but like many, hadn’t done anything with it.

With this new challenge, they joined Producers Club and began seriously implementing campaigns. By the end of the first year, they had added $20K MRR, and recovered 100% from the large client that they lost. Since then, B4 Networks has grown on average 25% year over year, has made it to the MSP Mentor 501 list and won Canada’s Top 50 Managed IT Companies.

Partner of Network Doctor
John Motazedi

In 2006, John quit his day job and became the sole employee of his company SNC Squared. Headquartered in his basement, he grew slowly until he discovered Robin’s marketing. From the changing world of health care, to the 2011 Joplin tornado that destroyed SNC, they have remained true to the marketing initiatives that have escalated them to a leading MSP. SNC Squared has been named the multi-year award winner by Inc. 500/5000.

The 2012 Better Your Best contest winner, John continues to use and implement new marketing tactics to make headway in a difficult market. SNC Squared received the 2013 Joplin Small Business Of The Year Award. John is a regular speaker for local and national medical group management associations and continues his efforts to educate companies about the benefits of good IT. John is also active in the Angel flight network and helps get needy patients to support services throughout five different states. In his spare time, John loves to fly airplanes, run marathons and triathlons, and ski.

CEO of BeckTek
Scott Beck

Living in a small market of only 140,000 people, Scott took almost a decade to realize he didn’t own a business. He had created a thankless job that was slowly grinding him down, trading time for money – often putting in 18- to 20-hour workdays to generate $180K in break-fix work for only $3K MRR. Not bad for a one-man show, but he realized it wasn’t scalable and NOT sustainable year over year.

Knowing there had to be a better way, Scott found Technology Marketing Toolkit and took a leap of faith, jumping into the training with both feet. Fast-forward to today, BeckTek is now five people, gross revenues are up 5x and MRR up 1,300% since working to change his focus from being the tech to building a business. Scott knows what it’s like to be the one-man band or small company bumping against the ceiling and how to keep breaking through to the next level, utilizing Robin’s marketing, tools and training. Scott is a two-time international best-selling author, an award-winning speaker and a frequent TV celebrity guest expert with appearances on NBC, ABC, Fox, the CW, CTV and Global.

President of EZSolution
Tom Malesic

Borrowing $2,000 from his mom, Tom started his business in 1997. Initially focusing on website development, he helped his clients answer the question “What is this Internet thing?” After acquiring an IT company from a friend, EZMarketing and EZComputer Solutions was born. Together, Tom’s businesses provide superior marketing and technical assistance to a wide range of businesses in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Tom discovered Robin in 2008, bought the Toolkit and never looked back. He attended an implementation seminar at Dulles Airport in 2009, attended Boot Camp and joined Producers Club the same year. Just two years after joining Producers Club, Tom won Robin’s Better Your Best competition. Tom’s special passion is to help business owners solve sales and marketing problems that have plagued them for years. His vast experience in marketing an IT business has earned him significant praise as one of Robin’s results-focused coaches.

Owner of Nashville Computer
Charles Henson

Charles started his break-fix business in 2003, mostly working for businesses and consumers. After many years in business, he figured out that he needed to convert to a managed services model, but with no marketing program in place, he struggled to grow recurring revenue. When Charles joined Producers Club at the end of 2015, his MRR was just $27,000.

Now, just a few years later, Charles’s team is sending 100 marketing letters each week and has grown MRR to $150K. Charles won the Better Your Best competition in 2020 after doubling his gross revenue and growing net profit by FIVE TIMES in just three years. His profit has been over 25% for several years. Whether it’s about how to run and KEEP an efficient tech team, calculating how large of a farm list your marketing team can service or discussing pricing and profitability, Charles loves to share his experiences with others.

President OF responsive technology partners
Tom Glover

Tom founded his original company, Cogentes in 2007 and grew it to $3M within the first year. Then, with the economic downturn at the end of 2008, Tom saw his revenue plummet to almost $0 overnight as his niche market, financial services dried up. Tom purchased the Toolkit and attended Rapid Implementation Workshop in late 2018 and, over the course of the next 2 years grew his MSP from $600K in revenue to over $8M. Over that 2-year period, Tom increased his top-line revenue by $2.1M and MRR by $113K through implementing Robin’s marketing program. In 2020, Tom acquired 3 MSPs to add $5M in revenue, taking him to $8M in total Revenue.

As a back-to-back Better Your Best finalist and Inc 5000 winner for 2020 and 2021, Tom continues to focus on executing Robin’s proven marketing strategy to fuel his company’s growth. When Tom isn’t busy growing his company, he serves on several non-profit and community boards, coaches youth mountain biking and builds hiking and mountain bike trails throughout the southeastern United States.

President of DigeTekS
Brandis Kelly

Brandis took a garage-based, struggling business, with finances stretched so thin they couldn’t meet payroll, to a 50 percent growth adding $500,000 in just the first year by “Robinizing” the company. To date, The Technology Specialist has doubled its revenue since utilizing the tips, techniques, and strategies from TMT. Brandis single-handedly implemented each element herself, from projects as little as drip marketing, TBRs, and 9-word emails, to multiple direct mail campaigns, and everything in between. Her successes and her failures make her an ideal coach to help YOU work through the process, one step at a time, and have a successful outcome for your business.

Brandis’ bachelor’s degree is in Psychology, which she feels significantly optimizes her leadership capacity. She stresses the importance of really knowing each employee’s story, as that almost always impacts their performance in some way. Her background allows her to lead a comfortable, family-style, work environment where each employee feels like they have a purpose and can truly know and feel their value. In return, they pour that concept back into the clients to keep all relationships thriving in a relaxed and productive manner. Above all, Brandis prides herself on being a leader, and not a boss.   

Brandis was recognized as CFO of the year by The Wichita Business Journal in 2018, as well as Robin Robin’s Genius of the Month in 2019. She is a trusted spokesperson for several vendors and an active presenter for her local AADOM chapter. She frequently orchestrates IT security presentations for JV Partners and has also participated in multiple panels nationwide with Top Industry Leaders.

Managing Partner, EnvisionIT Solutions
Kevin Gray

Kevin started EnvisionIT Solutions in 2007 as a “one-man band” working 16-20 hours a day and was struggling to make a profit and could not even think of higher any employees to help.  But with his hard work and long hours he managed to build a “break-even” business at the $600k gross revenue mark without much marketing at all and 2 and a half employees.  He knew if he wanted to be a “REAL” business he needed a marketing plan. In 2013 Kevin was introduced to Technology Marketing Toolkit at the 2013 Boot Camp. 

At that event, he watched Jay Ryerse present his business to win the Better Your Best competition and the light bulb went off and Kevin found the marketing solution that would take his business from the “one-man band” to an 8 employee $2.4 million business.  In his first year using the Technology Marketing Toolkit marketing, Kevin generated $770,400 in brand-new sales from 3 campaigns.  Kevin has presented Golden Cone presentations to the Producers Club members.  Kevin believes you should run your business BY THE NUMBERS and helps other Producers Club members understand their business numbers to reach their goals.